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A new year in hippie heaven

The last couple of weeks have been an absolute Thai madness. Chilling on different beaches every day, snorkeling and enjoying happy hour cocktails during sunset. Madness I tell you! We called the islands around Thailand our home. Koh Phangan was for christmas celebrations. The way there was bumpier than expected, with money that got stolen out of our bags and seasickness all over the place. But we found bungalows with hammocks and the local beach bar was our living room. We rented motor bikes and drove until the air tasted salty and birds sang sweet songs of freedom.

Then, a little bit of awesome happened. After yet another seasick journey, we arrived on Koh Tao. An island filled with the cheeriest faces around. We camped on top of a hill with old and new friends from all over the world and a seemingly inexhaustible supply of fresh coconuts and gin to celebrate the new year. We started 2014 on a festival so good it makes me weak at the knees just thinking about it. Experience festival was one big reunion of friends, family and jolly hippies sporting enormous beards. The dance floor soon turned into a pool of dust, sunscreen and sweat. It wouldn't be Thailand if there wasn't a beautiful beach nearby where we could wash our dirty hippie bodies before covering them in fluorescent paint.

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