she said, Burmese greetings
on a hot afternoon
the sweat was dripping
she felt her face melting
as she entered the temple
a man was sitting in the corner
facing Buddha, he said hello
softly and quickly
she didn't look at him
afraid to interrupt his prayers
instead she focused on the Buddha
whose smile looked like a frown
she wiped her forehead
returned to her thoughts
this is what she longed for
solitude and meditation
taking shelter in the heat of the day
a pagoda, one of thousands
to sit in silence
reflect on life
pray for growth
spiritual enlightenment
she took a deep breath
searched the empty floor
for the perfect spot
swiftly glanced over to the corner
to the man in position
of what seemed to be intense praying
but as she looked closer
her eyes adjusted to the dark
jeans on his anckles
eyes on the Buddha
and dick in his hand