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Rainbows after rainbow

Being back in the city has been good. A bit confusing over what to wear and how to act, but good. Melbourne is a big playground anyway, so I just play along. Well, playful, until you start talking about coffee. I forgot what serious business coffee is in the city of hipster. So after weeks of making weak "coffee" by stirring powder in hot water, I just ran to the first cafe and nearly gave a waitress a stroke by asking for 'a regular coffee'. PANIC! What to do? what does that even mean? How can coffee be regular? Dear Chloe saved the situation from getting out of hand and the waitress from fainting by quickly ordering a long black. O yes, I'm back in Melbourne.

One lovely Sunday morning I felt the urge to wear my psychedelic shorts and go out for a stroll along the beach to St Kilda. Bringing back Rainbow (Serpent Festival, see previous post) memories and having ridiculously delicious avocado and feta on toast brekky, because that's what this city is all about. Serious coffees and brunch abundance. No wonder I gained ten kilos the first time I visited this place.

All of a sudden the streets flooded with people, even more colourful than usual. Rainbow flags, glitter rain, men wearing high heels and women in wedding dresses. Rainbow, the sequel: Gay Pride! Nothing but smiles and cheering, good vibes and daytime dance moves. My kind of party! Another reason to love Melbourne: she always has a surprise in store. Never a dull day under the city sun.

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