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Caravan hibernation

Kurt Vile on repeat all morning. Making me feel at home in this new nest. Pictures on the walls, sun shining through the windows of our sweet old caravan. We’ve been here for a couple of days and boy, does it feel good to have a place to come home to. Don’t get me wrong: I love the van life, but not when I work 60 hour weeks. Too tired to bother finding a spot to park after work, too tired to even drive.

Plus I fell sick a couple of weeks ago and checking into a campsite was just not doing it while sweating with fever in my car for some very blurry days and nights. So here we are: home! A place that turns into a sauna during the day and a freezer at night but we’ve got fluffy sweaters, soul music, cups of tea and each other to stay warm.

It’s been a full-on month getting back into the 5 AM rise habit, long days of work, big life changes, health ups and downs, a fresh new book coming out after our Kickstarter campaign received a whole lot of love from 52 (!) wonderful humans. Wow! Such a full heart, it easily flows over into homesickness. Longing for hugs with my family and besties back home. I do feel very grateful to have such an amazing crew of friends here in New Zealand, who are always up for cuddles.

And of course my love who chooses to celebrate life with me in every form. Right now life comes shaped as a big seventies caravan sheltering us from autumn slowly creeping into our bones. Hibernate, my body screams. So every moment of free time, I try to do what feels good for my soul. Sometimes that means staying in bed until noon reading books, other times it’s sharing pizza and stories with dear friends. Often, it’s just a hot shower and rosé after work before falling asleep at 8.30 PM.

Our caravan is parked on the other side of the planet from our families. Even though I get emotional with every call or love letter I receive, it brings me great joy and hope to count all the things we share. The stars, the moon, sweet memories, pictures, digital catch ups and lots of laughter and tears. Even though I’m far away, I’m here for it all. We were never meant to live life on the surface. Our roots growing deeper as our branches expand.

Home sweet home

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