What works for you when you feel blocked, energy stagnant, forever procrastinating the creative juiciness? There are always things to get done at home, aren’t there? I don’t know when this started, but all of a sudden I feel the urge to do the dishes, sweep the floors and put on a load of washing before I can even flip open my laptop to start writing. Or worse: while brewing a first cup of coffee and attempting to write my morning pages, I find myself endlessly scrolling on my phone. My eyes are magnets for anything that reeks of procrastination and distraction.
So I wonder: what do people do to get stuff done? This question is coming from someone who never finishes things. Maybe you were born with self-discipline, maybe you are like me and need to give your apartment a full makeover before you can sit down to write a blog post.
Deadlines actually work well for me, they’ve always given me some kind of weird kick. I find pleasure in postponing the thing that needs to be done until an hour before the deadline. I pack my bag right before leaving to the airport. I used to start studying for all my exams the night before. And it worked! I reach a point where I literally don’t have time to distract myself, I get into some sort of productivity trance and I get the thing done! Right on time, with not a minute to spare.
Over the years I’ve grown quite addicted to that feeling of flow I find myself in when having my full focus on something. An altered state of concentration where I forget about my phone, laundry, food. As if in a deep meditation, all bodily functions are on hold. I don’t feel hungry or thirsty, I just become one with The Thing That Needs To Be Done and only when it’s finished, I come back to my body.